South Pointe Landing offers discounted affordable rental rates
based on household annual income. We are committed to processing applications
South Pointe Landing Apartment Homes is an affordable housing community and does business per the Fair Housing Act. We provide equal housing and service for all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or familial status, or any other protected class as defined by state and local jurisdiction.
To Apply, Click the Application Link WINN Residential Application
To facilitate the application process, the following
documents are required:
of birth certificate(s) for all household members under age 18
security card(s) for all household members
Consecutive Pay Stubs if paid bi-weekly and
6 Consecutive Pay Check Stubs if
paid week
of Pension Benefits
statements for the last 6 months (checking account)
recent Bank statement (savings account)
Return (if self-employed)
recent digital banking statements such as Apple Pay, CashApp, Venmo, and
The following are the income guidelines and rental rates applicable to South Pointe Landing Apartment Homes. The following qualifying income limits apply to all residents. To qualify, the household total gross income based on the number of occupants in your home cannot exceed the information in the following chart.